
Art Students Exploring Biodiversity

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Mote Lab’m not really sure why we were brought to the Mote lab. It is a disgusting, smelly fishery and was unpleasant to be at. We talked about how terrible fisheries are and it was disheartening that we went because I couldn’t tell if we were there to be disgusted or enjoy learning about the fishery. The experience in itself was very confusing. I didn’t like it at all.

I’m 100% sure the scientists at the Mote lab thought we were science students, probably from USF or New College. Why I think that is because the scientists constantly used very technical terms and said: “but you guys know about that, right?”. Yes. I do. I go to art school.

Looking at the fish was kind of cool. It was really sad to see them trapped in a small container, flopping around on top of each other. I like to think that they didn’t understand what was going on and that they were being farmed for food. Poor Sturgeons (??).

The fishery smelled terrible and it was really out of the way. If I had the choice to go by myself I wouldn’t go. If it wasn’t for the fact that we were being forced to go there for our grade I also wouldn’t have gone. The only reason why the trip was worth it was because my car-pool bought dinner at Wendy’s right after. Delicious.

What I learned at the lab was that fisheries smell terrible and are really depressing. I was uninterested in the tour the whole way through and could barely hear our guide, let alone understand his vocabulary.

I like to imagine what it would feel like to be a farmed fish. I like to try to imagine how frightening life would be as Sturgeon fish, flopping around on top of my other Sturgeon friends, then being forced somewhere else and killed.

It is a sad life to imagine.